Living the Keto Tao is very fulfilling. It can also be challenging. I continue to learn a lot about myself and that is why I started this site. Being Keto is not about being on a diet. It truly is a way and you will find your own Keto Tao.
Here are five things that help me:
- I keep my meals simple. The only thing I want complex are my carbs.
- I eat the same thing everyday but I love what I eat. I eat the exact same thing for lunch 5-days a week.
- I don’t have a cheat day. I am Keto and I do not need to cheat. If I want to eat sweets or a power bar, I choose to eat i, but I break the bar in half or tear off a sliver and enjoy the taste.
- I am a generalist. I do 1 and 2 so I have a pretty good idea the amount of carbs I am eating. I simply eat a lot of fat, throw in some protein and allow myself to have the occasional simple carb.
- I weigh myself every morning. This resets my orientation.
This is my Keto Tao. I invite you to share yours.